Significant Improvement in Restless Leg Syndrome and Akinetic Rigidity Syndrome with Reflexology: Scientific Evidence

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) also known as Willis-Ekbom disease is a problem of the nervous system
that causes an irrepressible urge to move the legs, particularly during rest: people suffering from this syndrome feels uncomfortable unless they get up and walk. The movement stops the unpleasant sensation for a while. No one knows exactly what causes RLS. It may be due to a problem with the way dopamine is used by brain cells.

Dopamine is a brain chemical that helps with muscle movement.

Rigid-akinetic syndrome is clinically characterized by muscle rigidity, slowness in the execution of movements (bradykinesia), decreased range of motion (hypokinesia), and impaired balance. It is the consequence of a dopaminergic imbalance that can occur at two levels: presynaptic or postsynaptic.

The scientific studies cited below complement and confirm the benefits and relief described by people affected by one of these syndromes when receiving reflexology treatments as a complementary therapy to their medical protocol.

European Parkinson’s Disease Association (EPDA) Reflexology as a complementary therapy in PD 

Parkinson´s Disease medical Rehabilitation Methods's_Disease_Medical_Rehabilitation_Methods/links/6135c2c438818c2eaf85cf70/Parkinsons-Disease-Medical-Rehabilitation-Methods.pdf 

The effects of two methods of reflexology and stretching exercises on the severity of restless leg syndrome among hemodialysis patients 

The Effect of Foot Reflexology Massage on the Sleep Quality of Elderly Women With Restless Leg Syndrome 

Severity of Restless Legs Syndrome in Female Patients Undergoing Dialysis: A Randomized Controlled Trial